About Trexpense

The idea


The idea for Trexpense was born on a trip around the world in 2019. Together with my girlfriend, we decided to take a few months to a few months to explore different regions of the world.

The only problem is that traveling for several months costs a lot of money.

That’s why it was clear to us right from the start that we had to plan exactly how much money we wanted to spend and when.

The beginning

first version of the app

It was clear from the very beginning that an app would be the best solution for us. But which one?

It was important for us to be able to see the average cost per day and to be able to create budgets in different categories. We also wanted the app to work completely offline, as we didn’t have internet access everywhere.

Although we found apps that met one or two of our requirements, we weren’t really satisfied with any of them. So we decided:

“Let’s develop an app ourselves that is precisely tailored to our needs.”


We started collecting ideas and planning the app.

This resulted in the first version of Trexpense, which we put through its paces on our trip around the world.

Different countries, different currencies. Sometimes with Wi-Fi, sometimes without Internet. With fast and uncomplicated tracking of expenses.

Trexpense was constantly evolving: bugs have been fixed, the user interface was optimized and new functions were added.

After our trip

After our trip around the world, we had a perfect travel expense app in our hands. So we decided to make it available to other travelers as well. Since then, Trexpense is available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

As we still enjoy being on the road, we continue to use Trexpense and are constantly developing it further.

There are now more and more Trexpense users who are contributing to the further development of the app with their great ideas.

Thank you!